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Bushfire recovery

The immediate aftermath of a bushfire, particularly in the first four weeks, is an important time for producers to assess damage to their property and livestock and, where possible, start to recover their businesses.

This page contains important resources for cattle and sheep producers impacted by bushfires.

Livestock health and welfare

Managing livestock after a bushfire can be challenging and stressful. Animals may be dead or injured, access to feed may be reduced, and fences and other infrastructure may be damaged. These resources can help the recovery process:


Producers are advised to seek professional advice from a vet or animal nutritionist, particularly before feeding grain to livestock for the first time.

Transportation and agistment

While agistment can provide welcome relief following bushfire, offering feed or safety, all livestock movements, especially after a natural disaster pose an added biosecurity risk.Affected by bushfire1.jpg

Recovery assistance

Recovery assistance will vary between states and regions. Contact your state department for more information on what is available in your area including published information and additional resources on bushfire recovery:

Support services

Producer case studies